We received a call for a water restoration and Charlotte at home on Drexel Court that was experiencing an issue of water damage due to an accidental situation caused by a water hose being left running while in the garage of a home. The customer stated that they were watering their lawn and forgot to turn the water hose off wow it was inside of the garage after going back into the home the water continue to run into the garage causing water damage due to water to go into the home underneath the the flooring and the walls. After noticing water streaming through the kitchen floor towards the living room the customer frantically tried to figure out where the water was coming from and could not pinpoint the location because it appeared to be coming from under the walls and he thought it was a broken pipe or something like that it was not until a few minutes of searching that he realized the water hose was still on while in the garage and that this caused a major amount of water damage and they will now be in need of water restoration company to come clean up all of the water for them.