We can count how many times we have received calls for water restoration in Charlotte due to a customer that is in need of water damage cleanup services because of the accidental overflow in their bathroom. That is exactly what led us to our call for water mitigation services in the east Charlotte this morning. The customer called us from work which is something that is happened before with a few other water damage cleanup customers but this particular customer after he got to work a neighbor called him stating that they noticed water coming from under his front door entering his yard so as he knew what to expect he contacted us while he was still at work in raced home however we beat him there and had to wait in order to get it out inside. Before he got to his home we immediately spring into action as a water damage service. Something we were able to take care of what is quite minimal when it comes the water restoration but it is very helpful and a first step in some of our water mitigation calls. We turned the water off at the main valve to lessen the amount of water damage while we waited for the customers to arrival