We receive the call for emergency water restoration and Charlotte Eddie home on Elm Lane because the waterline to the toilet broke during the night flooding the house from the second floor down. The homeowner noticed the water damage after waking up during the night to use the restroom when walking through puddles of water in the bedroom carpet following the trail of water damage into the restroom. After noticing more puddles of water damaging the vinyl flooring and the cabinets in the bathroom the owner realized what the cause was quickly and turned off the water line that leads to the toilet. Unaware of the vast amount of water damage he was dealing with in his home he decided to get a shop vac to vacuum some of the water up and thought he could address the carpet in the water damage to the carpet and pad in the morning unfortunately in the morning when he woke up and went downstairs he realized that there was a ton of water on the downstairs damaging the carpet the laminate flooring in one room in the vinyl in the kitchen along with some of the ceiling panels caved in. He immediately begin to panic and decided to look online for water mitigation companies that handle the water damage cleanup.