as a water restoration company in Charlotte we frequently notice situations Areas of concern that can cause water damage to customers at risk for a variety of reasons. this morning we received the call for water restoration in Charlotte from a customer that at first explained that they noticed that their downstairs area was completely flooded and they had no idea why. when we arrived to provide the water mitigation services as typical something that we do in the water damage cleanup industry is look for the source When we arrive to any call for water damage cleanup no matter how big or small. The reason that you look for the source is because if you attempt to dry out the property before you realize what the actual source is everything that you did will eventually go to waste because the house will flood all over again and the areas of water damage will just simply be dried up and then wet all over again causing a risk of mold. Today’s call was definitely one of the situations that we see in water damage cleanup in Charlotte when a customers not realizing that something is going extremely wrong and ignore the issue which turns a small risk of water damage into a large water restoration disaster.